Burial Records Search

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Browse through our burial records below, or to find a person, enter any part of their firstname, surname and/or their year of burial, in the search boxes. To view more details about any individual, click on their surname.

Surname Forenames Date of Burial
PORTER Robert Hornby 8/8/1939
PORTER Leia 16/4/1951
PORTEUS Thomas Briggs 18/5/1937
POTTER Mary Elizabeth 11/1/1905
PRATT Elizabeth 31/7/1808
PRESCOT John 21/10/1814
PRESCOTT John 9/6/1779
PRIESTLEY Elizabeth 22/4/1718
PRIESTLEY Sarah 12/5/1772
PRIESTLEY Rebecca 14/1/1773
PRIESTLEY Rebecca 17/1/1775
PRIESTLEY John 2/10/1785
PRIESTLEY John 25/1/1787
PRIESTLEY John 12/6/1787
PRIESTLEY Martha 2/10/1793
PRIESTLEY Sarah 29/5/1834
PRIESTLEY Adam 27/6/1834
PRIESTLEY Ralph 30/9/1838
PRIESTLEY James 11/1/1839
PRIESTLEY Emma 12/9/1843

Get In Touch

The postcode for the churchyard (for sat navs) is HX3 8TH.

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